GetWebPics is a download manager for multimedia files. It has three task modes: 'normal', 'templated URL' and 'search' task. In 'normal' and 'templated URL' mode, the program searches media files within a specific URL, and in 'search' mode it will look for media that meet your criteria, using Google as search engine.
It will allow you to download pictures, graphics, Macromedia flash content (.SWF files), music, archived files and movies, the producer says. Well folks, I'm afraid things are different. Every time I tried the 'search' mode, I've checked all the download options (Internet Pictures, Graphics, Macromedia Flash,etc.), but the program would always display only images as result for my search, because GetWebPics searches http://images.google.com. The same results you'll get using any browser. The only thing you can't do with only a browser is to download many images at the same time, like this manager does.
The other two tasks seem to work fine. I've specified an URL using the 'templated URL' task, and it saved all the images and SWF files from that location.
GetWebPics uses IE's (Internet Explorer) engine to connect to different sites for extracting files. After the installation it will place a button on IE's tool bar for a quick launch.
This software integrates the 'Windows Picture and Fax Viewer' utility, so you have the same options for viewing the images, only it cannot rotate an image, but it has many transition effects when you want to see a full screen slide show.
Other options available: 'select media files by conditions', 'copy selected media files' into a folder, 'send by e-mail'.
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